Carmen Callaway & Brandi Love in Something To Look At Video

Carmen Callaway is mortified! A friend just posted a picture to social media and didn’t even look to see if her eyes were opened or closed. Carmen is feeling low. Her self-esteem is a bit shattered, but stepmother Brandi Love is waiting in the sidelines to root her pretty sexy peach on. Since Carmen is preoccupied with likes, and knows that if she posts even one great picture she’ll be saved. Brandi buys into the fun and tells Carmen that she will help her get made up and take a great photo!Carmen is excited to have the help from mommy, but she’s still not convinced. Brandi takes a little time like every mom, to figure out how to work Carmen’s camera phone but once she does, Carmen gets shot after shot of cute photos. Carmen trusts Brandi when she says she’s pretty. Brandi tells her that since it’s important to her to be popular she wants to show her something else that will help her be the most popular girl at schoolBrandi reaches in and kisses Carmen, and tells her how beautiful she is. She starts to suck Carmen’s budding nipples and showing her all kinds of sexy things to make her friends feel their first ever orgasms from Carmen’s new expert techniques. Brandi shows Carmen a lot of new things, and Carmen picks up on them fast! And since Brandi’s picture got Carmen over 300 likes, she now feels confident she was overreacting a bit earlier. Mommy makes the hurt go away.


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